Bird Migration

Bird Migration Program 2024 News Release

Program Overview

In 2024, this program will bring schools to Vaseux Lake, an important stopover for thousands of
migrating birds! Through migration games, a nature walk to the bird blind, and a presentation about bird adaptations, students will explore bird migration and flight adaptations, conservation and threats. The Syilx story of the Yellow-breasted Chat highlights local first nations tradition and our collaboration with the Okanagan College biology department allows us to use a large number of physical wing, feather and bone samples from different native bird species. Students will be able to visually compare bird size and color and deduce flight adaptations, a key part of the year 3/4 curriculum. The bird migration experience allows for physical learning, in which students hunt for environmental and physical elements birds need for their migrations, as well as games which allows students to ‘experience’ the many challenges birds face.

*Please note that Vaseux Lake Bird Observatory is not operating in 2023-24, so this year’s bird
migration field program will take place a little further south at the Vaseux Lake Wildlife Centre at the north end of the lake at the parking lot where the boardwalk and bird blind are accessed.

Bird Migration Program at Vaseux Lake Bird Observatory

Only 9 sessions available, so please book early.

September 09 – 27

Grades: 3 and 4
Maximum Size:  36 students (Only 9 sessions available)
Program length: 2 hours
Transportation: Bus transportation is provided free of charge. Buses will depart at start
of school day and will return to schools before lunch.
Cost: $95 per class ($850 value) payable by cheque to OSCA.

BEAR AWARE! We are in bear country! Please do not bring backpacks to the sites. A small snack in pocket is fine but there are no bear-proof garbage bins on site, so all garbage trekked in, needs to be trekked out with the students.
Please also be TICK AWARE and POISON IVY AWARE! Wear long pants and hats and have students and parents check for ticks at home following the field trip.

To book and for more information contact: email Rachel Bland at

Click on this link to view teacher materials:
Teachers Guide: Bird Migration Teachers Guide

All programs are payable to OSCA by cheque via mail at:
113 - 437 Martin Street, Box 349
Penticton BC  V2A 5L1